Amen to this. My critique of the total depravity / common grace framework (esp. Van Til) is almost identical, though you have put it more succinctly. As I recall, Lewis rejects the language of TD for similar reasons (in Problem of Pain, I think?). My experience at RTS was similar to what you described at Westminster. I'm very grateful for the rigorous education I received there, but it certainly didn't convince me of 5-point Calvinism.

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It is utterly eviscerative of fruit born in keeping with repentance to think both that unbelievers cannot do even natural good and that it is rather beside the point for believers to do natural good because it isn't the transcendent good they should focus on, instead; this is why modern Reformed folk often seem about as Christian as many white-collar professionals working in corporate America: if common grace is God's booby prize for the vessels of wrath, no wonder the elect don't give it the time of day!

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